How To Taper Off Alcohol Safety Tips & Strategies June 23, 2023 – Posted in: Sober living

If you have wanted to quit drinking alcohol but were hesitant to do so because you feared that the withdrawal symptoms would be too severe, you are not alone. Many people are afraid that if they quit drinking, withdrawal symptoms could be difficult to manage, or even dangerous. Knowing what helps with alcohol withdrawal can make the experience less uncomfortable and risky. Tapering gradually lowers the amount of alcohol that you use over time. This lessens…

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SOBER Definition & Usage Examples November 29, 2022 – Posted in: Sober living

You’re more likely to surround yourself with other people who also misuse substances, and that can mean you never really get to know people without the influence of these substances. Romantic relationships may also be built on the use of drugs or alcohol, and frequently become toxic. Along with these benefits, 12-Step programs and other forms of mutual-help groups can increase the likelihood of achieving and maintaining recovery from substance misuse. However, there is no…

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How to Handle Peer Pressure Fairfax County Public Schools June 6, 2022 – Posted in: Sober living

Self-regulation involves the ability to control thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to manage current behavior and achieve long-term goals. In turn, your friend might reconsider criticizing people based on their appearance. By simply adhering to your own values and sharing them with a friend, you can positively peer pressure them to think before making a negative comment. You can also positively peer pressure others by the way you respond to situations. For instance, if…

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Who Pays For Sober Living? June 2, 2022 – Posted in: Sober living

If you have already gone through rehab, but you’re not quite ready to live independently, this type of facility may be an excellent fit for you. In a recovery housing model, residents offer and receive support from their peers and leaders in their community. Research has discovered that communal living can help decrease substance abuse and incarceration rates, and increase employment rates. It can also help individuals hone their coping skills, learn how to communicate…

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Find Help and Treatment January 28, 2020 – Posted in: Sober living

If you want to help someone you love enter treatment, you can often assist with some of the first steps of the admissions process, which starts with a phone call to one or more facilities. By doing some of the initial research, you may be able to offer an alcohol or drug rehab referral, helping to remove one step from the facility selection and admissions process. Our treatment centers offer specialized program types and therapies…

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